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Tulsa, OK Real Estate, Homes For Sale, School & Area Information

Tulsa, 俄克拉荷马州是一个充满活力的城市,被评为美国最宜居的城市之一. Tulsa offers a low cost of living, excellent healthcare, and a variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, biking, and fishing.

Tulsa Area Insight

  • Jared Brown
    RE/bwinchina官网 Results
    Ask Jared a question about Tulsa.
    Tulsa, OK
    Don't miss Oktoberfest 2022 in Tulsa! 10月20日至23日,啤酒节为全家人提供活动和乐趣. Hours are Thursday, 5:00 to 11:00 p,m, Friday and Saturday
    11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., and Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. With carnival-style rides, an authentic German breakfast on Sunday, lots of live music performances, shops, food trucks, and unique dining experiences, you won't want to miss this event. Friday, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., admission is free, so make sure to bring the whole family. There are even special events just for kids! 所以,拿起你的皮短裤,加入10月20日至23日在塔尔萨市中心举行的有趣活动. Check out the link for event info and details!
  • Pamela Nichols
    RE/bwinchina官网 Results
    I love Tulsa so very much! 我不是土生土长的土尔桑人,但我只去了一次就把它当成了家! My family and I moved here some 32 years ago now! I love discovering new places and things to do here. One of my favorites is the Downtown Deco District in Tulsa! The buildings are full of history and outstanding architecture! It's a must-see when visiting this area! The Majestic building has art all over it, 如果你站在街对面点击二维码,它就会变成3D的! It's immersive, fun, and unique!
  • Kelly Hayne
    RE/bwinchina官网 Results
    This is the best park ever! 如果你在塔尔萨地区,你必须停下来体验聚会场所. The park continues to grow with new things added. But what a monumental feat for the Tulsa area. Businesses, private donors, 这座城市共同创造了美国最独特的目的地之一. It is worth your visit.
  • 博览会广场的Fair Meadows又开始了夜间的赛马活动. 这个新更新的,适合家庭的设施,每个人都有一点东西. Upgrades include a new playground for the kids, air-conditioned indoor seating, snack and beverage bars, a new paddock horse viewing area, and multiple gaming machines to place your wagers. 这个设施是免费向公众开放的,也是一个度过夏日夜晚的好地方. Racing starts at 6:00 p.m. Friday through Tuesdays. Check the website for more information. This is your call to the starting gates for summer fun.
  • 塔尔萨惠尔曼俱乐部是当地的一个非营利组织,旨在促进我们地区的自行车运动. On July 7th, 2021 they are hosting the Osage Grand Prix Road Race. 有许多不同类别的赛车手,我们的目标是让经验丰富的资深赛车手介绍新的自行车手参加公路比赛. 塔尔萨惠尔曼俱乐部成立于1979年,被美国自行车协会评选为美国第一俱乐部. If you are interested in learning about cycling, road racing, or just want to explore a new sport, I encourage you to check out the Tulsa Wheelman Club today.
  • 今天将举行五月五日节庆祝活动,并免费向公众开放. The festival is located downtown in the Blue Dome District. 东第二街在南底特律大道和南埃尔金大道之间被封锁,以阻止交通,并将一直保持这种状态,直到活动在周三晚上的某个时候清空. Entertainment, food trucks, libations, and a fun zone for the kids. Get out tonight and check it out.
  • 今年春假,塔尔萨市区的孩子们有很多有趣的活动. Here are a few camps, day camps, and family-friendly places to go. 足球城、拉福福公园和探索实验室都提供不同主题的日间营地. If an afternoon outdoors is more of your jam, The Tulsa Zoo, 和The Gathering Place都是度过一个下午的好方法. 菲尔布鲁克博物馆不收取儿童入场费,并提供大量的动手活动,让孩子们忙起来. The Tulsa Zoo offers a Virtual Career Camp for kids of all ages. 每天的夏令营都包括一个一小时的现场节目,每天关注一个新的动物园职业. Kids will have behind-the-scenes access, tours, interviews, animal encounters, and so much more - right from the comfort of your own home. They also offer Story Time at the Zoo every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. 每周在一个新的地点(大部分时间在大象遭遇中)!). 俄克拉荷马水族馆每周四晚上通过zoom举办家庭琐事之夜. Register via their website to join the fun!
  • 塔尔萨的聚集地有许多可供全家观赏和活动的地方. From slides, pods, flowers, and butterflies to just seeing the Tulsa skyline at night, The Gathering Place is the place to be. 他们有餐车,所以你可以买午餐,选择一个美丽的地方野餐.
  • 如果你喜欢路边景点,你一定会喜欢窑洞! 坐落在历史悠久的66号公路旁的是一栋建于1924年的房子,当时是一家鸡肉餐厅,后来变成了禁酒令的藏身处. Here you are sure to receive weird information, see the unique architecture, have a family adventure, and an afternoon history lesson.
  • 塔尔萨最独特的景点之一宇宙中心是一个以声学现象而闻名的混凝土圆圈,它没什么可看的,但看并不是重点. 现在,你可以通过应用程序进行寻宝游戏,在市中心购物,寻找当地的宝石和地标. To start your adventure download the "Let's Roam" app.
  • 还有两天的时间去参观俄克拉何马州最大的家居和园艺产品贸易展,有300多家参展商. The 2021 Home & Garden Show kicked off on March 11th and will end on the 14th. 如果你不能在你的第一天看到这一切,保存你的票免费入场. 这是一个伟大的方式得到你所有的家庭装修的想法和目标在一个站!
  • 塔尔萨最新的公园为所有年龄段的人提供令人印象深刻的景点和世界级的节目,没有会员资格或高昂的入场费. The Gathering Place; Tulsa's Riverfront Park was a dream that came to reality to offer enjoyment to all in our community. The wish is for all Tulsans to enjoy this space. A park that will continue to inspire imagination. "A park-like none other.还有几家餐厅提供快餐、饮料或甜食.
  • 如果你想吃墨西哥菜,可以试试塔尔萨西部的Senor Tequila. 这家酒吧位于谢里丹(Sheridan)东边的第71街(71 Street),你可以买到物美价廉的食物. Wow! 有一个完整的酒吧和露台,这是一个伟大的家庭晚会或聚会的设置. Stop in and see what all the excitement is about.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about Tulsa.
    Tulsa, OK
    Nestled in Tulsa's concrete jungle downtown, numerous murals have become one of Tulsa's best-kept secrets. 你会情不自禁地注意到它的艺术能力、令人惊叹的色彩和艺术中的信息. Each of these murals makes our downtown fantastic! 它们为建筑墙壁和街道增添了活力,否则当地人和游客都不会注意到这些. Without a doubt, the muralists have made inroads in creating a strong, 通过使用公共艺术将社区与事件和历史方面联系起来. 所以,如果你想知道在塔尔萨做什么,可以考虑做一个艺术爬行. With these murals, you just won't be disappointed!
  • The Tulsa Remote Program has been offering people $10,000.搬到塔尔萨远程工作,但现在计划提供1万美元.00 to buy a home! As of January 2021, the average home price was $188,000.00; with the 10k down program, you could buy a home with more than 5% down. 目标是为社区带来更多的知名度,并为经济带来更多的买家. The program offers $500.00 in travel reimbursement with a $150.00张爱彼迎优惠券给那些来了解社区的人.
  • 在经历了一段不合时宜且创纪录的寒潮后,今天迎来了大解冻. Water is everywhere as the snow quickly melts away. 温暖的气温和晴朗的天空有利于阳光直射,使雪融化.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about Tulsa.
    Tulsa, OK
    Riverview沿着阿肯色河的东岸延伸,就在市中心的西边. Uptown is the region just to the south of Downtown. 位于第18街和南波士顿的SoBo(南波士顿)酒吧区非常受欢迎. The Ambassador Hotel, 现已被列入塔尔萨县国家历史遗迹名录, Oklahoma, 建于1929年,为商人提供临时住所,现在是一家精品酒店. The building is at the corner of Main and 14th Street. The Tulsa Preservation Commission identified this location as "...the Southeast Business Area of the Riverview section of Tulsa.
  • 美国职业高尔夫球协会(PGA)选择塔尔萨的南山乡村俱乐部主办2022年5月16日至22日的PGA锦标赛. Excited to return to SHCC for the fifth time. 许多PGA锦标赛和比赛都在南山乡村俱乐部举行. It is the premier private golf course in Tulsa. 塔尔萨居民将有难得的机会进入并观看这一享有盛誉的活动. The PGA Championship was last at Southern Hills in 2007. 这些活动在全球范围内进行电视转播,将塔尔萨地区呈现在数百万观众面前. Way to go Tulsa!!!
  • 2021年圣丹斯电影节将由历史圈电影院的成员在塔尔萨举办, Oklahoma. The film festival will be held virtually this year. This event will be hosted from January 28th through February 2nd. Tickets are limited so reserve yours today.
  • Gina Alvis Watts
    RE/bwinchina官网 Results
    The Tulsa Zoo is a magical place for all ages. 他们确实遵守了疾病预防控制中心的建议,以帮助阻止新冠病毒的传播. 你必须在网上购票并预定你要去的时间, and they stagger the times to help maintain social distancing. The zoo also requires masks be worn when you are inside a building, and they have hand-washing stations throughout the park.

    动物园本身为动物提供了独特的栖息地和空间. 你将欣赏雨林和爬行动物馆,还有狮子、老虎和熊...oh my!
  • 最近,我应邀和我的朋友大卫在拉福福高尔夫球场打了一场高尔夫球. 这里有一个三杆高尔夫球场,晚上会点灯,这样球员们就可以享受凉爽的夜晚. 三杆洞是具有挑战性的,因为它确实考验了你的短杆,并允许你打出更快的球. 在灯光下,110码开球看起来就像150码. 阴影和光线对你的深度感知和保持航向的能力构成了挑战. For beginning golfers or those of us who love the game, but may only play a few times a year, this creates a competitive environment and hones in the yardage. Check out golf under the lights at LaFortune Park Golf Course.
  • Dennis Rudisaile
    RE/bwinchina官网 Results
    塔尔萨的聚集地是一座占地100英亩的最新公园,如果你想出去探索塔尔萨的居民和游客,它绝对是一个必看的地方! 在我们听说Covid之前的一个初秋的一天,我真的很喜欢我的访问. It really is a great place to visit!

    Great for all ages, but an amazing park for kids! 多么美丽的公园,坐落在河滨大道旁边. The Gathering Place offers visitors a first-class playground, incredible gardens, separate bike and pedestrian trails, boat, electric scooters and bike rentals, fabulous restaurants, outdoor concerts, as well as many social events. 所以如果你想要一个享受户外的好方法,你一定要去看看!
  • Dennis Rudisaile
    RE/bwinchina官网 Results
    The Tulsa Botanic Garden is eight miles northwest of Tulsa. 这是一个带着家人享受170英亩树木展示的好地方, annuals, perennials, shrubs, ponds, sculptures, and more. 这里是观赏各种植物在俄克拉何马州不断变化的气候中茁壮成长的好地方. Put on your walking shoes, bring your camera, 一定要带一杯清爽的饮料来帮助你补充水分. With so many varieties of plants in bloom, 园丁们把花园保养得这么好,值得称赞, a real labor of love for sure!

    Since I wanted to make sure that I could get admission, 我查了一下网站,发现花园在6月1日重新向公众开放. Admission will be limited, and advance tickets will be required. No walk-in admission will be allowed. That was good to know! 塔尔萨植物园的物理地址是3900塔尔萨植物园大道,塔尔萨,OK 74127.
  • Dennis Rudisaile
    RE/bwinchina官网 Results
    If you're new to Tulsa or just visiting, 一定要参观天鹅湖附近,看看塔尔萨隐藏的宝藏之一. Tucked away in the midtown area, 天鹅湖是塔尔萨的一个历史街区,北邻第15街, Utica Street to the east, 21st Street to the south, and Peoria Avenue to the west. The Historic District, 20世纪初发展为中产阶级住宅区, features some very well preserved single-family homes, a few duplexes and apartment buildings.

    Early on in Tulsa's development, it was the site of an amusement park, 但随着进步的推进,它现在以建造于20世纪20年代和30年代的bwinchina平台和公寓楼的数量和建筑类型而闻名. 2011年,美国规划协会将天鹅湖评为十大最佳社区之一.
    在城市繁忙的生活方式中,这是一个放松身心的好地方! Check it out sometime, you'll be glad you did!
  • Tulsa County Parks has two great golf courses to play this summer. Page Belcher and Mohawk Park. Page Belcher高尔夫球场是一个36洞的设施,全草练习场, 很棒的练习区,包括一个果岭和短杆区. 你也可以安排一些课程,从塔尔萨高尔夫学校位于佩奇贝尔彻公园. Page Belcher Golf Course has been in play since 1977. 莫霍克公园高尔夫球场位于塔尔萨北部美丽而自然的莫霍克公园. 它毗邻动物园和自然中心,其历史可以追溯到20世纪20年代. Either way, you cannot go wrong. So get out and play some golf today.

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